4 December 2011

An update and review of the deleting transactions functionality

I've managed to complete the functionality of deleting specific transactions with a neat little algorithm. There's an item click listener for each row of the list and I then have an array of booleans of the size of the number of list items which are all initialised to false. When the click listener recognises a click on that particular list item, it sets the array of booleans to true at the index of the list item was recognised from. Once the user selects delete, it iterates through the list of transactions whilst incrementing through the array of booleans and if that particular boolean index equals to true, it grabs the transaction ID from that current transaction in the list and passes it through to be deleted using the database adapter class.

Having completed this component, I then decided to move on to re-structuring the way in which transactions are displayed and it occurred to me that bringing up a list to select which transactions to delete offers more or less the same functionality that the actual fuel tab offers.

I guess that the fuel tab offers a lot more detail at the minute, with database entries such as the date, the userid(this may be car id at a later point), the total cost of the transaction, the total volume of the fuel for the transaction, the mileage at the time of the transactions, the fuel type and any comments a user might wish to leave. The delete shows the number of the transaction and the date on which the transaction occurred.

I guess for now I'll leave it since its a more or less fully functional component. But while I re-design the fuel tab display so that clicking on each transaction will add another row to display more detail and some calculated data, I'll be thinking coding with the idea of adding more functionality to that display. Functionality such as check boxes to allow items to be deleted with out bringing up a second list of transactions in a dialogue, or the ability to edit transactions.

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