17 January 2012

Measurement systems

Over the last couple of days I've made a number of changes to the Driver Tools app. A lot of them were purely aesthetic, however the biggest change is the addition of a static settings class for storing information that is saved across sessions about the user's preference for either the metric or imperial system. As a result you can now view the stats information in either Miles and Miles per imperial gallon, or you can view it as kilometres and litres/100k.

The next thing that I need to do is include a menu for changing this setting and finish of the mechanic for only ever allowing a configuration dialogue to appear once upon first starting up the app. Other areas that can be improved would be to graph or visualise more information on the stats page, and to clean up the fuel transaction log page. I also need to clean up the car picker menu and possibly allow a user to add a picture to their car.

Once those changes have been made and I finalise all of the pages or data that I'm going to track with analytics the app should be ready for release on the Android market.

Speaking of google analytics, I've built up a full weeks worth of stats and they're interesting. I'll write a full post on this at a later point with pretty pictures and graphs and stuff.

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